wednesday 19th october 2016



Novamont and Amut, a global leader in plastic extrusion, are working together to optimise thermoformed solutions produced with the new heat resistant grade of MATER-BI, ideally suited to the production of plates, trays, cups and lids
The newly-launched grade immediately became the preferred choice of Milano Ristorazione, which selected it for the meals it prepares in Milan’s schools
From an industrial perspective, the grade boasts excellent performance, enhanced by Amut's high production capacity in-line co-extrusion and thermoforming system, making it possible to complete the entire process (extrusion, thermoforming, etc.) on a single production line
Approved for contact with food, with high renewable raw material content, compostable to international standard EN13432 and with excellent mechanical and heat resistance properties, the new plates developed in collaboration with Amut can be disposed of with kitchen waste and sent for composting

Novara – Düsseldorf, 19 October 2016 – At K, the premier trade fair for the plastics and rubber industry taking place in Düsseldorf, Novamont will be presenting a plate made from the latest version of the bioplastic MATER-BI.
The plate has been developed by Amut ( - a leading producer of a wide range of in-line and off-line thermoforming machinery with high speed operation, modular configuration and solid design. It is made from the new grade of the latest generation of MATER-BI, with high renewable raw material content, it has been approved for contact with food, is compostable to international standard EN13432 and offers excellent mechanical and heat resistance properties.
"This plate perfectly represents the continuous innovation which Novamont is capable of, and confirms our leading role in the catering products sector," said Alessandro Ferlito, Commercial Director of Novamont. "The new grades of latest-generation MATER-BI can play a critical role in the success of the entire catering chain."
Novamont's objective is to promote systems in which materials are entirely reused and where waste products are replaced by resources, with environmental, social and economic sustainability playing a central role in achieving a low carbon society, which many countries are beginning to promote.
"Novamont focuses on technology and solutions which help to resolve the problem of the 'end of life' of many products we use every day, like disposable tableware used in catering. Bioplastics guarantee performance which is technically similar to that of traditional materials but these products can be sent for composting together with food waste and go some way to providing a solution to the issue of waste," said Ferlito.

The Novamont Group is world leader in the development and production of bioplastics and biochemicals through the integration of chemistry, the environment and agriculture. With 600 employees, the Group posted sales of €170 million in 2015 and made continuous investments in research and development activities (6.4% of its 2015 turnover, 20% of its staff) and has a portfolio of around 1,000 patents.  The group has its headquarters in Novara, a production facility in Terni and research laboratories in Novara, Terni and Piana di Monte Verna (CE).  The Novamont subsidiaries are based in Porto Torres (SS), Bottrighe (RO), Terni and Patrica (FR).  Active in Germany, France and the United States through commercial offices and a representative office in Brussels (Belgium),  Novamont operates through own distributors in Benelux, Scandinavia, Denmark, the United Kingdom, China, Japan, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Novamont Press Office
Francesca De Sanctis - - tel.: +39 0321.699.611 - cell.: +39 340.1166.426