World Soil Day: a recurrence to remind us to put this important resource at the center of our efforts

  saturday 5th december 2020


World Soil Day: a recurrence to remind us to put this important resource at the center of our efforts

Today, December 5, is World Soil Day, established in 2013 by the United Nations to focus the attention on the importance of having healthy soils and their sustainable management.
This year's campaign, whose motto is "Let's Keep Soil Alive, Protect Soil Biodiversity", aims to raise public awareness of the importance of maintaining healthy ecosystems, addressing the challenges in soil management, fighting biodiversity loss and encouraging governments, organizations, communities and individuals around the world to work to improve the health of this non-renewable resource.

At European level, the Commission has included soil health and nutrition among the five main "missions" or challenges to be addressed. To provide concrete answers, the Mission Board for Soil Health and Food, a working group of experts, including Catia Bastioli, AD Novamont, was set up to assist the Commission in the preparation of legislative proposals and policy initiatives.
"Caring for soil is caring for life" is the name the Board has given to the mission, which aims to ensure that "by 2030 75% of soils are healthy and able to provide essential ecosystem services", such as the provision of food and other biomass, supporting biodiversity, storing and regulating the flow of water, or mitigating the effects of climate.

In Italy, to boost a real change starting from the health of the soil and the concept of territorial regeneration, Re Soil Foundation was established, with the University of Bologna, Coldiretti, Novamont and Politecnico of Turin as founders. In the path traced by the European Mission, the Foundation aims to promote scientific research, technology transfer, training and dissemination, to create awareness towards the protection of soil health and to promote the recovery of organic matter.

Novamont promotes a circular bioeconomy model with soil health at its core. Mater-Bi bioplastics, which are biodegradable and compostable, can help to improve the quantity and quality of the organic waste collected and bring clean organic matter back into the soil in the form of compost and, in the case of applications intended for agriculture and biodegradable in soil, to protect the biodiversity and fertility of this precious ecosystem.