Circular Economy: PE approved measures for biodegradable and compostable packaging  and separate collection of biowaste

  thursday 16th march 2017


Circular Economy: PE approved measures for biodegradable and compostable packaging and separate collection of biowaste

With a large majority, on March 14th the Plenary confirmed MEP Bonafè’s positive and ambitious measures on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive, already approved by the ENVI Committee. Within the review of this directive, biodegradable and compostable packaging are recognized to be an important tool to build a stronger circular economy. In fact, the plenary’s vote says that Member States shall encourage the use of biodegradable and compostable materials for the production of packaging and to improve market conditions for such materials and products.
Linking together this measure with the new recycling target of packaging – 80% by 2030 – and the new provisions included in Waste Framework Directive on biowaste, biodegradable and compostable plastics finds their right place in the waste management  system. In fact, the Plenary approved an amendment that supports a new definition of biowaste, including biodegradable and compostable plastics, and organic recycling. A mandatory separate collection of bio-waste will have to be set up in all Member States, thus it can be facilitated by certified collection tools such as compostable biowaste bags, as already proven in several cities across Europe. 
The vote sends a clear signal that in order to have a strong circular economy, it is necessary to build an even more stronger bioeconomy, encouraging the decarbonization of European economy