Novamont among the speakers at demo days event dedicated to GRACE project

  wednesday 8th june 2022


Novamont among the speakers at demo days event dedicated to GRACE project

On May 31 and June 1, GRACE Demo Days, the demonstration days to present the activities and results of the crops studied in the European GRACE project to the Italian stakeholders, were held in Milan and Mortara.

GRACE "GRowing Advanced industrial Crops on marginal lands for biorEfineries" project, of which Novamont is partner, aims to demonstrate the industrial feasibility of two crops (miscanthus and hemp) from the field (specifically marginal lands) to final applications. In particular, the project involved ten different demonstration cases to show how biomass cultivation can be linked to the production of a wide range of biobased products. The objective is to ensure the supply of sustainably produced raw materials for the growing needs of the European bioeconomy.

Organized by the Italian project partners, the event, entitled “New Resources from the BBI DEMO project GRACE for the European Circular Bioeconomy”, gave participants the opportunity to see the updates of the project, meet all the partners and industry panel’s members, and visit miscanthus fields in Mortara.

Among the speakers also Sara Guerrini, Public Affairs Agriculture Novamont, who illustrated Novamont demo case in the project, explaining Novamont research activities in the realization of intemediates coming from miscanthus biomass and hemp fibres and oil, that can be used for the production of innovative applications for agriculture, such as little pots, mulch films and herbicides.