thursday 2nd july 2020


"Caring for soil is caring for life": the interim report of the Mission Soil health and food of the European Commission has been published

On June 25, 2020, the European Commission published the intermediate reports of the five Missions identified in 2019 to address the main challenges of humanity: soil and food health, cancer, climate change, healthy oceans and climate-neutral cities.
Catia Bastioli, Novamont CEO is a member of the "Mission Soil health and food", the mission aimed at increasing citizens' awareness on the importance of healthy soil.
As stated in the intermediate report "Caring for soil is caring for life", Soils perform a series of vital functions and offer "public goods" which are not recognized from a legal point of view, but which are instead indispensable, such as the supply of healthy food and clean water, the maintenance of biodiversity, the nutrient cycle and the adaptation and mitigation action of climate change.
Our lives heavily depend on soils, which in addition to being non-renewable resources, are increasingly fragile ecosystems and threatened by a series of problems, such as unsustainable management, urbanization and climate change.
The Missions were set up by Carlos Moedas, former European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, with the aim of giving strong visibility and having an impact on society and on policy making through science and technology, with ambitious and measurable goals, and to provide effective solutions in achieving EU priorities such as the European Green Deal and sustainable development goals.
The news and links are available at the following link: Top experts propose potential EU missions for further consultation with Europeans