Bioplastics in agriculture: Novamont sustainable approach presented at the second Annual Bioplastics Innovation Forum

  monday 13th june 2022


Bioplastics in agriculture: Novamont sustainable approach presented at the second Annual Bioplastics Innovation Forum

The second Annual Bioplastics Innovation Forum took place in Berlin on June 9th – 10th.

During the event, several presentations, interactive panel discussions and solution-based case studies gave the participants the opportunity to learn more about the latest advancements and technology innovations in the bioplastics sector.

Sara Guerrini, Agricultural Public Affairs Novamont, participated with a speech entitled “Biodegradable and compostable plastics for agriculture applications”
After having presented some insights on bioplastics market data and the European legislative framework on circular bioeconomy, Guerrini focused on the use of biodegradable and compostable applications in agriculture. In particular she mentioned mulch films, highlightening the advantages of using this solution to reduce the plastic waste production and their potential release in the environment. Furthermore she reported the use of other bioplastics applications, such as pheromone dispensers and compostable clips and twines, illustrating how these solutions can contribute to preserve ecosystems specifically in those cases where there is a high risk of dispersion of non biodegradable plastics.

Discover more on Novamont model of sustainable and regenerative agriculture on Novamont Agro website.