Sowing the seeds of Europe’s bio-based revolution

  from thursday 5th october 2023  to thursday 5th october 2023


Sowing the seeds of Europe’s bio-based revolution

On 5 Oct, the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) celebrates its 10th anniversary with a special event that will take place at Le Plaza Theatre in Brussels. With keynote speakers, panel discussions, food, drink, and entertainment, the participants will reflect on BIC’s journey so far and how the consortium can continue to help the bio-based industry to make an impact in Europe. 

Giulia Gregori, Head of Corporate Strategy Implementation & Engagement Novamont  was among the speakers of the panel discussion "10 years of achievements" and illustrated the opportunities in the bio-based sector, pointing out the importance of cooperation and working together to successfully overcome the barriers in the industry. She then recollected Novamont long commitment at European level, highlighting that our Group has been actively involved in BIC and the partnerships since the beginning and also being a partner of several successful European innovation projects promoted by BIC, in particular it was the coordinator of the first ever BBI flagship, FIRST2RUN