The development of innovative industrial biotechnology processes complete our integrated biorefineries in local area
MATER-BIOTECH, in line with our bioeconomy model based on territorial regeneration, has been created by NOVAMONT from the revitalization of a decommissioned industrial site. The company is involved in research and development and manufacturing of chemical intermediates obtained from renewable resourcesThe plant is a starting point for further upstream and downstream integrations in the site and is part of the NOVAMONT biorefinery, integrating chemical processes already in place for the production of biochemicals with industrial biotechnology. NOVAMONT avails itself of the strategic collaboration of Genomatica, U.S. company leader in the development of microorganisms for fermentation processes.
Territorial regeneration. MATER-BIOTECH is the result of the project for the reconversion of the former Bioitalia/Ajinomoto site in Adria (RO) in a logic of territorial regeneration and enhancement of preexisting skills and competencies, with positive returns on the downstream industry and its connected activities. 75 are the people who currently work in MATER-BIOTECH plant.
First in the world. MATER-BIOTECH represents the world’s first industrial plant that can produce butanediol (1,4 BDO) directly from sugars, through fermentation processes. The bio-butanediol will save 50% of greenhouse gas emissions compared to conventional BDO. Launched in 2016, the plant has a production capacity of 30,000 tons per year and has been conceived to reuse by-products for its own energy purposes thus optimizing the life-cycle of the entire process.
MATER-BI and bio-butanediol. MATER-BIOTECH’s 1,4 BDO is now becoming a renewable building block for the production of NOVAMONT bioplastics. More specifically, it allows for the production of the fourth generation of MATER-BI, increasing its renewable content (from about 35% to more than 60%) and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions (10-15% reduction of carbon footprint).